Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Saved the Tulips

In the end, I had to just pretend the lamium, phlox and allium shoots were weeds and just rip them up. Created space around the tulips and marked them so I can move them when they are done. I have two patches of the Angelique and two of Bastogne. There are others but not that were buried like these four. They are forecasting 3 inches of rain in the next 2 days.


  1. And how did they end up there in the beginning? Your marker posts are much better than mine - I use popsicle sticks and they rot pretty fast.

  2. Well, I put them there, of course. But the Lamium was a 2 foot patch and the phlox wasn't much bigger... it's all spread. Since I got reading glasses, I don't think I would even see a popsicle stick in that mess !

    Rained all night. I am going to Judy's for coffee to stave off the depression of it all ;)
