Saturday, June 5, 2010

Recycled benches and bluets

The mountain bluets were banished from the garden 3 or 4 years ago because seedlings started popping up everywhere. Kelly threw them beside these trees and they've managed to plant themselves.  Here the only thing they can bully are weeds.  You can see the beginnings of two garden benches that used to be bus stop benches.  Apparently one is going in the woods so hopefully I'll have some say about where the other goes ;)


  1. It's a really nice patch and looks like a good match for the weeds. I love the look of the benches.

  2. The bench ends are some kind of aggregate cement. Anything that looks like rock matches our garden!! Hard to believe they were going to be trashed.

  3. Looks like you have to figure out some way to make it so you can sit on them? I love them though. It is amazing what gets thrown away. Especially since agregate can be recycled for road repair.
