Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blue Iris

Last year we noticed one blue iris among the purple and thought it was just a fluke.  But we did mark it and move it in the fall, hoping to start a new patch.  This year that one didn't bloom at all but we have 2 more stalks of blue in the old patch.  I remember now that we got some iris along with the yellow daylilies from Digby.  They had never shown themselves so I forgot about them.  What a wonderful surprise!  The blooms are huge and they smell wonderful.


  1. Smelly and blue? What more could you ask for. I think this is my favorite of your Iris. Going back to Digby soon?

  2. I might be convinced to bring you one of the 3 I have when I come out :)

  3. That's a pretty big sacrifice when you only have 3 and they are your prettiest iris. You know me, I won't say no but I will wait until your patch is bigger too if you would rather.
