Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tulip 'Lipgloss'

The Tulips are starting to bloom in the bird sanctuary. These 'Lipgloss' are the first. Behind them is the Hosta 'Sun Power'. I need to get to the dandelions in the nursery on the other side of the fence.


  1. Beautiful... you have to send me a picture once they open. I have (had?) Pink Impression and they are awesome. Moved them last year and discovered them this year when they started growing out from under a stepping stone that Kelly put down. Needless to say they didn't bloom. Hoping I'll see them again next year.

  2. Oops, these are 'Lipgloss'. Posted them in bloom on flickr and sleepy hollow yesterday, they are translucent in the sun. 'Salmon Impression' are just budding today. Posted them both places too.
