Friday, May 21, 2010

In a hard spot

This is one of the hardest places to get anything to grow, let alone thrive.  I've moved a lot of plants in and out of this area in the last 5 years.  The bleeding heart and gold lamium have been here since the beginning.  The pale purple phlox is now about 3 feet around.  In the middle of the picture is a sport of lamium with dark leaves that sprouted between the rocks and I gave up the thought of pulling it out long ago.  A couple of purple pulsatilla still blooming in front of the gold lamium.


  1. It always amazes me how much farther along your garden is than mine. OK, Zone 3 is alot colder but I am weeks away from Bleeding Heart blooms. My Bleeding Heart is about 6 inches tall right now and definitely all green.

  2. Oh, and I love the pale purple phlox. It's draping really beautifully.
