Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Aunt's Garden

I am planting my Aunt's garden for her this year. Of course, this meant a trip to the greenhouse today :) I needed a couple of trailing things for pots and like your idea of Cleome at my roses so I got a Cleome hybrid variety that is deep lavender with dark foliage for here. These are for my Aunt's garden though. Cosmos is her favorite. This one is a 3 color mix. The color not shown is white. The Argyranthemum looked nice with it. The overexposed white are Argyranthemum as well but are all white. I am also taking her some of the 'Mars Midget' from the nursery and something else white that I haven't figured out yet.


  1. Now that would look awesome in my backyard. I just might have to go get a bunch of annuals this weekend.

  2. Well, I firmed up my plan for her garden late last night and I need to go back and get 4 plants today. Decided to skip the 'Mars Midget' and stay with all lavender, pink and white with a tiny bit of yellow thrown in via Dahlia 'Sandia Showboat' and Gladiolus 'Mon Amour'. Like most of us, she is fussy about yellows so I am keeping it pale and not that much. She has a small garden that I have filled with perennials over the last couple of years so the space for annuals is quite small. I am going to pack it full though because I figure it's easy enough to pull up Cosmos if it gets too crowded when everything is full size. She has lots of shade too so some of it won't even get full size.

  3. I decided I'm going to buy bunches of yellow marguerites for filling gaps up front this year. And I'm going to splurge on white bacopa for along the front rock wall. I didn't have cosmos last year but I think I'll get some this year for out back... the pinks mix that you got.
