Friday, July 16, 2010

Lily Puzzle

I checked every packing slip I could find, every map, every tag and the previously winter killed folder. This has to be 'Landini' or 'Fangio'. It should be 'Landini'. I will either go check pictures tomorrow night or the other lily will open so I can figure it out before then. Good thing it's red-orange because no matter what it is, it is planted beside the 'Orange Electric'.


  1. Well 'Red Mystery' lily is a good name ;)

  2. It looks a lot like 'Fangio' but in my pictures from last year, the petals on 'Fangio' are more rounded. The 'Landini' petals are a bit more like this and I found pictures on the internet of it that are dark, deep purple and some of it that look much like this color. It did not open purple and it ages to a burnt orange-red color. It really should be 'Landini' and the others left to bloom in that spot are 'Orange Electric', 'Madrid' and 'New Wave'. I think I see them all in bud. I guess waiting for them all to bloom is the only way I am going to know more than I do now. LOL !
