Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You might recognize this one...

Let me tell you a story about this obedient plant.  It all started when you were here on May 7th of 2005.  You and I went shopping and planted the first 4 plants for our new garden: bugleweed, columbine, sedum, and this obedient plant.  After a couple of years, it wasn't doing well over by the fence and I moved it into the back garden.  Well, it just went nuts in the garden so I moved it to a little cleared spot in the woods till I figured out what I would do with it.  This past spring, when Kelly was creating the woods garden under the trees, he tilled it under and buried it.  A couple of months ago I noticed something growing that looked suspiciously like the white physostegia growing a couple of feet away, but a darker green.  When I moved the white stuff to the 'henge, I dug up this other sprig and moved it too.  Turns out it is the pink obedient plant reincarnated.  It's really hard to get rid of these!  In the 'henge they have a little dug out spot surrounded by rock, so they can't go nuts, but I should have white and pink blooming together next year.  The End.

1 comment:

  1. I love Obedient Plant but it definitely doesn't grow like that here. Judy babies hers like crazy and mine died the first winter. I'll have to enjoy yours from afar.
